Cloud Device Management
To have better response times, faster problem solutions and fewer service costs Partner Tech launched its Cloud Device Management (CDM). It is a cloud-based solution that supports and helps technicians to remotely control, manage and update all devices from Desktop POS, to Mobile POS, Kiosk and Self-Checkout solutions.
The CDM is a cloud-based solution that supports and helps technicians of the IT department or the Head Quarter of an ISV to remotely control and manage all POS terminals from Desktop POS, to Mobile POS and Kiosk solutions.
It provides the functionality to monitor all devices, to check their health status, to update hardware or any software application or even reinstall complete backups of your system. This can be done remotely with one terminal, a group of terminals or all terminals with just a few mouse clicks. The CDM also helps to set up a preventive maintenance system in order to predict hardware failures of the storage for example.
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Key Features
Device Management
Manage and monitor all devices, device groups or device models. Check device information and assign tasks
System Updates
Run driver upates, application updates, OS and BIOS updates, all done remotely to all your devices
Lifecycle Tracking
Track the lifecycle of your hard drive. Check potential errors in reading and writing to predict possible failures
Task Management
Manage your daily, weekly or instant tasks of your devices. Schedule the tasks at night time or let the operator approve them on site
Real-Time Detection
Check in real-time if any exceptions occour and check the device status
Collaboration Maintenance
Collaborate between different regional offices for services and maintenances