Current information

EuroCIS 2025
Looking forward to meet you @EuroCIS 2025 Hall 9, Booth 21, where we will not only present the latest POS highlights, self-checkout, kiosk systems and fiscal solutions! Partner Tech Europe is well-known for modern solutions at the point of sale for a future-POS platformconomy.

Partner Tech Europe und Warrify: gemeinsam für eine innovative Handelszukunft
Partner Tech Europe GmbH marks a year filled with dynamic growth, strategic expansion, and groundbreaking focus on Self-Checkout Systems and the Platformconomy.

Partner Tech Europe Celebrates Strong Performance, Expansion, and Continued Innovation in 2023
Partner Tech Europe GmbH marks a year filled with dynamic growth, strategic expansion, and groundbreaking focus on Self-Checkout Systems and the Platformconomy.
Code of Conduct
As a leading manufacturer for POS systems we know our responsibility.
Acting seriously on all needs of our customers, suppliers and employees.
Keeping our promises is our premise.
Taking over responsibility for a better life.
Our Service Commitment
Standard long warranty period with extension possibilities up to 5 years
Advance Swop Services and Bring & Pick available
On Site Service
On-Site Service with different Service Level Agreements.
With our continuous process of improvement we guarantee most optimized solutions.
Advance EOL notice and migration strategy
After EOL
After product discontinuation up to 5 years service comittment